Friday, 2 March 2012

headache reliever

i have been getting headaches lately. this is something new to me, as i have never been one to get headaches in the past. i work in front of a computer all day, so i need to be able to get past my headache and get things done.

i did some research on essential oils that are good for relieving headaches, and came up with this recipe. it is working very well so far.

sometimes i’ll just open up the jar on my desk so i can smell it, or if the headache is really bad, i’ll rub some on my temples.


1.5 t shea butter
1 t almond oil
1/2 t beeswax
5 drops each:

to make:

melt shea butter, almond oil and beeswax

add essential oils, pour into small jar
as you can see i used an old lip gloss pot. this stuff is pretty potent, and like i said i often just leave it open for the smell, so you don’t need a lot.

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