Sunday 12 January 2014

dear friends!!

wow! what an insane last 6 months it's been... i know it's been a million years since i've been around these parts, so i'll give you guys a quick update! 

after breaking up with my partner in the summer, i sold him our house. i stayed in calgary for a few months to work, but in the end made the decision to quit my job and come back to ontario without a new job. i made some money from the house, so i'm not too concerned with that at the moment. 

the most difficult thing of all was losing my best friend and number one fan, my dog farley. he was hit by a car a week before i left calgary. he was only 3 1/2, and just the absolute sweetest pup i've ever known. his death was really, really difficult for me. i'm so glad that i was already planning to come back to ontario, i'd given my notice at work, etc. i don't know what i would have done if i couldn't come back here to my support network and family. 

i've been back in ontario for about a month and a half, and have spent the entirety of that time with friends and family, and i've done sooo much healing and growing. despite all of the insane challenges 2013 handed me, i have to say i can't remember a happier time in my life. 

there's one final update i want to share with you. i'm still living the hobo life, and going with the flow, and isn't it amazing where that flow takes you sometimes? 

years ago when my ex and i had first gotten together, we spent a long time planning a trip in a minibus from canada to south america and back. then he decided to become a pilot, and other things happened, and life got in the way. i was always really sad that we never did that trip. 

well friends, i'm doing it now!! :D

i'm going to be traveling with a good friend, and we're aiming to leave within a week. i've started a travel blog for the journey, and i hope you'll follow me there.

james bond will return!

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